My Angel Baby: 11 Months

Absolutely cannot believe how close we are to having a 1 year old, but I’m not going to think about that now.  Now is about this last month before you turn 1!  A couple weeks ago now, you were 11 months old.  Again, we were too busy doing life, and I didn’t even take notes about all your MANY progresses and accomplishments, so I’m winging it.

11 Months Old!

You got 2 more teeth!  Both on top, but not your front teeth.  From what I’ve read that’s weird, but after talking to folks, it’s not that weird.  That makes a total of 4 teeth!  The right side came through pretty early in the month, and then you worked on that left side for a while, and it finally broke through around the middle of the month.  I’ve figured out that when you’re teething is typically when you go through your major sleep regressions.  You don’t cry, and you’re not super fussy, you just don’t sleep very well.  Thankfully towards the last part of the month that subsided, and you’re back to sleeping all night.  I’m fully aware that teething could be MUCH worse!

You’re eating is still pretty much the same amount.  Still working in some additional table food, but you’re still mostly on stage 2 baby food.  You just don’t seem very enthused about table food.  At times, it’s VERY difficult to get you to eat, and sometimes you just flat out refuse.  If someone that is not used to feeding you is trying, it’s usually a HUGE failure.  You spit it out, knock the spoon away, shake your head no……etc.  You eat pretty good for us and my parents usually.  Breakfast is your favorite and easiest meal of the day.  You still love water, but we can’t just leave your sippy cup in the floor with you anymore, because when you’re tired of drinking it, you start spitting it out, and think that’s just so much fun, but it gets your clothes and the floor soaked!

You’re still little compared to others your age, but to us it seems that you’ve grown so much!  You’re now in mostly 6-9 month clothes, but still wearing some 3-6 month.  Last year at the end of the summer, we bought up a lot of cute summer outfits on sale, and assumed that you would run true to size, so there are so many cute summer outfits in the closet that it doesn’t seem that you’ll get to wear now that it’s getting cooler outside.  😦

Around the last week of the month, you started walking a little in short distances.  It’s the cutest thing ever to watch you toddle back and forth between the 2 of us!  However, now that you’re starting to walk, we feel like you need to start wearing shoes, especially since winter is coming.  You HATE shoes!  You will not even try to walk in them, even holding our hand, you just sit down and try to pull them off.  I thought that I would outsmart you and put you in your car seat, and then put them on, and you just constantly kick your little legs until you get them off.

You shake your head no at pretty much anything we ask you, and it’s so funny!  We’re trying to teach you yes, but so far it’s just no…..all the time.  You still love any kind of toy that plays music, and you love TV theme songs.  Pretty much anytime a song comes on you stop what you’re doing and start dancing.  It’s pretty much the cutest.  You still love Sofia the First, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Minnie Mouse Bowtique, and Strawberry Shortcake.  You love when I sing to you.  You love to play the piano.  You love to be outside.  You love playing with the blinds, remotes, and phones/ipads.  You like to hide your paci’s from us.  You love looking at/opening books.  You still love to take things down/out of where they are and put them in the floor, like clothes, the dishtowels that are hanging in the kitchen, toys, etc.

You had your first labor day.  You’re experiencing a new Alabama football season.  We’ve had several park days, and you love to swing!  You love to ride in your stroller, and it seems to put you to sleep.  You went to your first football game to see Kate cheer!  You went to your first volleyball game to see Kate play.  We’ve planned our first little family trip at the end of this next month.

Watching Kate cheer and play volleyball!
Soaking up the last bit of Summer with some swims. 🐳💦
Watching our Crimson Tide win! 🐘🅰🏈
Labor Day Weekend.
Reading Mama’s book.
Just being cute.
Park Days!
Riding in the stroller knocks you out! That picture on the left is my favorite picture ever. Pure Perfection.

We love watching you grow, learn, and develop.  It’s something new everyday, and it truly is amazing to watch.  God has BIG plans for you little girl.  We stinking love you!

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.       –  Psalm  100:5

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